After serving in the US army as captain of the air sea rescue boat, with numerous heroics, he decided to turn his hobby into his vocation. Check out his honorary mention here On his first professional diving trip in 1947, he took five schoolteachers, one at a time, and charged them five dollars each. His first boat was a double-ender called the ‘Ark’. His trips left from near Flatts Bridge to a site near Green Bay in Harrington Sound. For a while he had a reef by Bailey’s Bay, and eventually claimed a reef by Stag Rocks just outside Shelly bay as his regular dive site. Using his 50 foot boat Carioca he showed Bermuda visitors the home of Helen the Angelfish, Theodore the Hog fish, George the Grunt and Homer the Octopus.
- The “Ark”
- Early helmet divers
- Lowering a helmet into the water