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Herb the Hind

Herb the Hind

Herb is a Red Speckled Hind but he can change hue. He also has a friend, Herb Junior, with whom he would rather not share food. Herb being the larger of the two will assume a light sand matching colour and come right out away from the reef and wait underneath me as I...

Bronson pre 1947

The details of life in Brooklyn are scant. His father, Dr. Frank Ende taught him much about nature. They had bees and ants in glass colonies to see the action. Frank Ende was first generation American, with both parents being born in Germany. He enlisted in the World...
Squirrel Fish

Squirrel Fish

Red Fish The other day we found this cool red fish tsh sd  df b ba ba fa ba go to ricks site dfgkadlkfgadf gafg a g adg agadfg adsgagdfgadga sdfgadfgadfga gdgadf gadf g
Helmet Diving on the “Ark”

Helmet Diving on the “Ark”

After serving in the US army as captain of the air sea rescue boat, with numerous heroics, he decided to turn his hobby into his vocation. Check out his honorary mention here On his first professional diving trip in 1947, he took five schoolteachers, one at a time,...