Red Fish The other day we found this cool red fish tsh sd df b ba ba fa ba go to ricks site dfgkadlkfgadf gafg a g adg agadfg adsgagdfgadga sdfgadfgadfga gdgadf gadf g
After serving in the US army as captain of the air sea rescue boat, with numerous heroics, he decided to turn his hobby into his vocation. Check out his honorary mention here On his first professional diving trip in 1947, he took five schoolteachers, one at a time,...
At age ten young Bronson Hartley was expecting to see jungles filled with parrots and monkeys. His disappointment was soon soothed by the wild life undersea with the sight of parrotfish, angelfish and jungles of waving corals. Hartley Sr. was raised to be inquisitive,...
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